Mhina finished easily with 18 points, 3 majors.
Her first five singles were as a baby puppy with Terri Meyers.
She was cut down and allowed to grow up.
When she was two, we brought her back out with Ann Rairigh who finished
her in 3 weeks, with some very impressive wins.
BOW, 3 pt major at Kishwaukee KC, July 14 under Mr. G.M Vukich
WB, July 15, 2 points under C.Taylor
BW, Dan Emmett KC, July 27, 1 point under Mr. Jon Cole
August 1, 2007
Pittsburgh Poodle Club
Best of Breed
CH Bar-None Dawin Travelin' Man Standard Poodle N Wilson/L Campbell
Best of Opposite Sex Mr. N B Kenney
Dream Pickets Double Delight Toy Poodle H Welch/E Mitchell
Conformation Classes
Pood Toy Mr. N B Kenney (12 Ent - 5d - 7b)
Pood (Min) Mr. N B Kenney (3 Ent - 1d - 2b)
Pood (Std) Mr. N B Kenney (26 Ent - 11d - 15b)
BOV, BOS to BOB, 3 points, Mr. N.B. Kenney
Fort Steuben Kennel Association, Inc.,
August 2, 2007, 4 pt major, Mrs. L. Boutwell
Mhina is now
co-owned by and living with Hope Welch.
Her hair is being grown out and she will be finished in 2007.
Taken 4/19/05
These puppies were 3 weeks old at the time these images were taken
images were taken on May 12, 2005. The pups were 6 1/2 weeks
old at this time.
bitch puppy. This puppy
is a couple of days behind her brother in everything she does.
She is not quite as confident as he is. She is very happy, but is
reserved enough to access a new situation before jumping in with both
feet. Her eye is small, her face is more refined than the dog.
Feet are nice. Shoulder is slightly steeper than the dog.
However, neither puppy is ewe necked. Her tail set is good.
In the left, she was placed on a table next to a lamp and stood on her
own for me to snap her picture. In the right, she is outside,
watching her brother harass a mini before she joins in the play.