Registered Library of Congress, 2000
© Dreem
®Poodles2007 - 2010

December 2010 Thaw. 

Days before we had a huge snow. 
It hit 40 and melted on the south facing fence.
The rest of the yard was slush and soft and not as fast as it could have been.
chasing round and round the shed.

catch me if you can!
What ARE they doing.  It is Faithful Ann, ever watchful.
Faith still watching, ignoring Becca who races by with her toy.

Becca with the toy, Belle to her left and Karie to her right, chasing together across the yard.  Finally Faith decides she should join in the fun and races toward them at full speed.

Then they spend a few minutes chasing the fence line.  Why?  Because it is there.

One more round around the yard. Chase Chase Chase.

Belle and Faith come in.
Becca and Karie have to go one more time around the yard.

The Champions and Title Holders Puppies and Rehome Poodles Available
The Rainbow Bridge Other Loved Companions
Grandmother and the Poodles

In memory of a dear friend, "Sue" Julig

Favorite Links

  At Home In Indiana

CGC Day 22809

© 1997-2010 Eva Marie Mitchell

Email me


Click for Osceola, Indiana Forecast

This web last updated 03/12/2012 10:58 AM -0600

The Champions and Title Holders Puppies and Rehome Poodles Available
The Rainbow Bridge Other Loved Companions
Grandmother and the Poodles

In memory of a dear friend, "Sue" Julig

Favorite Links

  At Home In Indiana

CGC Day 22809

© 1997-2010 Eva Marie Mitchell

Email me


Click for Osceola, Indiana Forecast

This web last updated 03/12/2012 10:58 AM -0600